Monday, October 02, 2006

Nancy's garden redesign

My latest garden design client is Nancy. She is starting with an old, overrun garden but there is lots of raw material to work with. The first thing Nancy had to do was dig out all old plants and weeds. She saved 4 peonies and the rest was composted or discarded.

Original garden

There are many flagstones edging the original gardens and some stones are buried underneath the soil and were discovered when we went to work on the stone edging. Now the stones are reused to make a rustic patio that covers large ugly concrete slabs.

Now the garden is designed with plants in mind, using software. This is what the "Church" garden looks like.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

My gardens

1. The Secret Garden (a pond and grape arbour not shown)

2. Meditative garden with ornamental almond tree
3. side garden with tall plants and shrubs
4. back garden filled with yellow coreopsis and trees
5. gazebo-trellis garden with clematis, roses and cleome
6. central small ornamental garden with tree standard
7. a second small ornamental garden with tree standard
8. central triple level fountain garden

9. large perrenial garden with three rows

10. courtyard garden made of 4 gardens with vegtables and ornamentals

11. central circular hedge
12. arbour garden with xeriscape plants
13. shade and acid garden
14. acid garden with moisture
15. box and yew garden
16. second box and yew garden
17. side garden along north of house
18. front garden (mostly dry acid shade)
19. mini garden

20. Karen's Garden with pedestal

My latest daylily

"Westward Wind", which is about 8 inches across!

Summer Daze Party in the garden - July2, 2006

The morning after...

Tonja Jonca performing on stage. She was awesome!

Early July, 2006

The pink clematis is called "Princess Diana"

Central fountain garden with flower carpet roses, flax, black sedums, cherry phlox and blue oat grass.

The north half of the main garden.

Peony-type poppies, which are sown every year.

Catalpa N. speciosa in bloom. It has a lovely sweet scent.